Notes: (1) These are just a few of the interviews Midori did. In case you have one that is not here yet, you might want to send a copy. (2) Some of these interviews can still be found on the internet, others got deleted. Thus it seems wise to collect even those interviews here that are still available. (3) Many of the websites mentioned no longer exist, i.e.,,, and - please see the links page for all Midori sites that are currently available.
Interview 8
Source: Adult FYJ Date: October 14, 2005
Conversations with Midori-final
"I've noticed that the industry is turning to shit"; "I used to be proud to say I'm a porn star"
by Gene Ross
Porn Valley- Midori was the last person I expected to run into on a porn set Thursday afternoon. But there she was. Dr. X ran into her on the street and dragged her into the LF Studios.
Midori had traveled in Europe on a concert tour and has been back for awhile. She's now working in porn again.
"I'm just trying to clean up the mess I've made of my personal life," she says. "I hate this whole getting back into the industry. I never really left. One thing kind of took precedence. I married a knucklehead." Midori starts to laugh.
Midori says it wasn't a guy in the business that she probably would have been better off had she done so.
"Like TT Boy for an example," she says. "He seems to be doing really well for himself." Midori laughs again.
"I'm dealing with real life stuff. My daughter is 12- she's growing boobies. And I'm watching her like a mother hen making sure she's not reading porno mags in the bathroom.
"And I've noticed that the industry is turning to shit," she continues. "I'm trying to figure out why. I asked Sharon Mitchell if she was doing anything for Katrina. She's like, I'm not doing shit for anybody. No ones doing anything for anybody any more. It's just like that. I'm, like, damn. There's no parties. What are people getting dressed up for? Just AVN? It's sad."
Before she starts shooting full time, Midori, who's with World Modeling, says she's trying to find out who's who in the business.
"There's this whole new batch of people I don't know," she says. "I've been making my rounds."
"Diana DeVoe called me and she's doing a knock off of Desperate Housewives," Midori continues. "She didn't tell me I was playing somebody's mother. The last scenes that I've done I've been playing the older woman. I'm trying to figure out why do they keep casting me as the older woman. It can't be because of the way I look. I look younger than some of the young girls that are being casted but it bums me out. There's this guy, Deep Threat. I play his mother and he's supposed to be in college. Right. So I'm super MILF."
While in Europe, Midori played a lot of musical festivals.
"I did the whole eastern Baltic area," she says. "Finland, Latvia, Estonia- gosh, I went way down to New Zealand. There they don't care if you're black or do porno, if you sing, rap, as long as you're giving a show and giving it your all. If it's something interesting to watch and you're sexy, they'll hire you. I incorporated all the stuff that I did from singing to dancing, rapping, gymnastics, my costumes and feature dancing and took it over there. I was well received. I had a single and a video that was released in Poland. I did that and loved it and I wouldn't have come back. It's like I'm back to selling myself. There they sought me out. All the work that I put in over the ten years, that's how it's supposed to build. But I come back here and I've got to have an agent, a so and so who's new to the industry, and never heard of me before. I'm, like, okay. I talk to people who say 'I don't know you.' Have you ever watched a porn movie before? Who are YOU, I should be asking."
I ask Midori what prompted her to get married, especially to "a knucklehead". She says after Kid Rock she was on the rebound.
"Kid Rock and I were dating. I went on tour with him. When I got off the tour, I found out I was pregnant. We were having some problems and I told him to fuck off. Then I found out I was pregnant. Then I'm calling him. He told me, uh-uh, you told me to fuck off. So it ended up ugly. He went on Howard Stern and bad-mouthed me. Whatever. I just let it go and went through a depression. Then I called up one of my friends who I ended up marrying four months later- the knucklehead- who told me he could handle the whole business. No big deal but any time that I would mention Lexington Steele or TT Boy, oh my God, he'd hit the roof. So I was, like, I'll quit and become a housewife. No problems. Time for me to stay home anyway. But he didn't pick up the financial slack. So some years go by and I found out that he has a whole Internet profile on all the sexy friend finders and fuck a stranger for free websites. He's giving me shit for doing what I do, earning a living, but he's going behind my back. So that caused some problems and basically I'm starting over. I ended up losing a house and when I went to Europe I put all my stuff in storage. When I came back he stopped paying on it. My whole life got auctioned off for $600. All my work, my AVN awards- you know I'm still the only African-American woman that has won an AVN award- but that's gone."
Adding insult to the $600 injury, Midori discovered that her husband was also hanging out at different dungeons.
"I'm, like, couldn't you have told me this before, so we could have made some money at it? That is when I realized that the so-called normal people on the outside of the business are the ones with the problems. I really believe we're the normal ones. We have no problem in wanting sexuality. It's the other people that have the twisted minds and can't be comfortable with themselves to go, hey, I like being slapped aside the head and told to go lick the bowl or something." But Midori also admits she's never licked the bowl.
"They call us the strange ones- the ones with the dysfunction, but they're the twisted ones. It's almost like a jealousy-thing because we have the balls to say we do it and do it well. We actually want to be paid for it. There seems to be a problem copping to your shit."
Midori runs a website called
"I've been doing that myself," she says. "That's my site, and like I've said I've been learning the business- if you can call it a business now."
"It's really sad when rappers can jump in and not take any clothes off, smack the girl on the ass and make a hundred grand, take off and leave," Midori goes on to say. "It's amazing that they are getting away with that and it really pisses me off. Like that Snoop Dog video. Who were the girls in it? Do you remember their names? No, it's Snoop Dog."
For now Midori will perform as she puts together some "exciting" project. She hints at some new hook on interracial."When you think of interracial, what comes to mind? Black guy-white girl or black girl-white guy." I give her the obvious answer, black guy-white girl.
"That's what I thought," she says. "That might be the avenue I'm going to go down. I was surfing on the Internet and looking for interracial especially clips of myself. But all I find is Sean Michaels, Mr. Marcus and all these black guys with white girls. What do they call the things I've done with Mark Davis?"
I tell Midori, extraterrestrial. Midori howls.
"That's when he picks you up and spins you around," she laughs. "Or maybe me and TT Boy when I'm trying not to get choked." Since she brought TT Boy up, I ask Midori how he was to work with.
"He's an old friend of mine," she answers. "We used to go to San Francisco and work for Rex Borsky [Alex deRenzy]. He is what he is- what you see is what you get. Believe it or not, the muscle head has done very well for himself and I'm very proud of him. He still can get it up and doesn't take Viagra."
Midori tells me how she met Kid Rock.
"When I was shifting the focus on my music, the record company that put out one of those compilations, Deep Porn, or Porn to Rock, one of those, Kid Rock did a re-mix for them. He wanted to meet me. We ended up doing a photo shoot. He sent for me to come to New York and we did a shoot for an alternative press magazine. One thing led to another and we ended up dating. You can't keep porn stars and rock stars apart."
It was noted that Kid Rock has had more than his share of those including Jesse Jane.
"I'm glad I was the first," Midori laughs. "And he didn't put me in a cage dancing in the background. I was in the front with a microphone right along with him. The person that replaced me when I got off tour was Ron Jeremy."
Midori states that being back in the business isn't as exciting as it used to be.
"I really miss the old days," she says. "And I had something to look forward to. The industry is going backwards. All the court cases and all the First Amendment-stuff these people have fought is getting fucked up. I used to be proud to say I'm a porn star and defended the business wholeheartedly and sincerely. Now it's, like, part of me doesn't even want to talk about it. All the glamour is gone. I guess Jenna Jameson is the last of the porn stars because, honestly, I don't know who anyone else is. If they weren't performing along with me, I don't know who they are, now. I've heard of Jesse Jane, but other than her, I don't know who any of the new girls are. I've heard that's what the deal is- they don't want to make porn stars any more. They want the companies to have the name, not the girls."
"The guy is going to be at home with his computer," she adds. "Because that's the only place he can get comfortable now. I guess it's the same thing that happened with the theaters and VHS. The Internet is taking it away. What's happening to the feature dancer now? They're not making porn stars. It's all about the company and the company's name.
Midori started in the business, technically, in 1995, she says. She did one scene with Jake Steed but didn't do anything else for a year.
"Because I had to plan out what I wanted to do and how I wanted my career," she explains. "I knew once I got in it wasn't a game. I had to become a professional. I didn't want to be swallowed up by the business. Luckily, I had Nina Hartley and Sharon Mitchell and Seam Michaels- all these people that had years before me give me all this great advice. I wanted to do something with myself. You can do the business or let the business do you. I wanted to do the business. So it took me a year to plan out everything. And pretty much I did everything I wanted to. I just didn't know it was going to end as soon as it did. I told Diana [DeVoe] I hit the wall and the ceiling at the same time. I think I was before my time with a lot of the ideas and stuff. Like the whole rap-stuff. I remember with Christian Mann trying to combine the two, and I remember him saying I don't see how hip-hop can enhance the sales of my videos. And four or five years later here comes Snoop Dog and all these other rappers."
"You've got Lil' Jon suing Larry Flynt for 30 million," I remind Midori.
"Can I sue somebody?" she asks. "Shit!"
Interview 7
John Rodeo Website Date:
January 6,2002
Midori Interview
In this interview, I decided to expand my topic matter from professional wrestling in specific, to the entertainment field in general.
I was fortunate to have this opportunity to speak with Michele Watley, perhaps better known as Midori. She is a beautiful and talented woman, who has been known to wear many hats.
She is the sister of singer Jody Watley, and has even been linked with Kid Rock.
But the list hardly stops there, as above all else, Midori is her own person. Among those items listed on her extensive resume are mother, webmaster, singer, dancer, and adult film legend.
How does all that fit into my web site? Simple. The adult film industry has been plagued with as many inaccuracies, misconceptions, and stereotypes as the world of professional wrestling, if not more so.
Therefore, I decided to contact Midori, one of the adult industries' marquee performers, to uncover the facts, rather than fiction. Along the way, I was able to get a true understanding of Michele, the person, as well as Midori, the entertainer.
Welcome to, and thank you for joining us. Today, I have the pleasure of interviewing the adult film star Midori. Midori, I would like to thank you for joining us, and giving us the opportunity to learn a little more about you.
Thank you for having me.
Not a problem at all. I would likely start fittingly with the beginning, which would be your childhood. I know that you were born in North Carolina and later moved to Chicago, IL. If you could share with us some of the details of that, such as the time frames.
Ok. I was born in Durham, NC, and we didn't live there very long. My father was a travelling minister. He held many revivals in many places, and we would move around a lot. And before we moved to Chicago, I don't know, it must have been between ages three and six, we lived in Kansas City, MO, and then we moved to Chicago. And when I was twelve, I moved out here (California) after my parents split up, with my mom and my sister. I guess I was pretty sheltered, because I was used to playing things like double dutch, hide and go seek, and stuff like that. In Chicago I had to be home when the streetlights came on, as my father was kind of strict. Than I moved to California, it was junior high school, and I was in seventh grade, and girls had boyfriends, they were kissing, and I was just mortified. I had never seen, y'know, that sort of thing before. It was just different. I still have my mid-western ways about myself. I am pretty much down to earth. I see totally different qualities from people that are from the West Coast, compared to the East, and the Midwest. But you know, you kind of have to blend in. What's the word I am looking for?
When you are in Rome, do as the Romans do. I grew up in California, and lost my mind (laughing). I went crazy.
Do you think based upon your living all over, and your many experiences that that has helped you become a much more diversified person that you otherwise would have?
Definitely. Even though I was sheltered as a child, and pretty much I feel sheltered in a lot of things. Even in my career there were certain things that I just didn't have the desire to do, and I went against the grain a lot. And I think me being around so many different types of people in different areas through the world, because I even lived in Europe right after high school, and before junior college. All of that has made me into a person that accepts people, as they are, until the reveal themselves to be something that I do not want to be around. I don't judge anyone. Basically it is like, ok if that makes your boat float than cool! And I think I kind of like that about me. It saddens me with so much of the prejudice, and the sexist people with their judgements. That stuff hurts. And also keeps you from really experiencing. If you cannot travel, you should at least try to experience the different cultures around the place that you live. It's a melting pot. And I am happy that even in my sheltered life, I never heard my father and my family speak of any negativity about people, and races. I think that helped me become an open-minded person. And I think it was probably why it was an easy move for me to get involved in the adult business, because I didn't think like most people think, you know, it is a horrible, nasty, degrading thing to do. But yeah, I think that if you travel right in your neighborhood…
I agree, just take a walk down the hall.
Based upon that, I was hoping you could let us know what your relationship is with your parents today, as well as your sister, whom a lot of people might know of, but the just might be aware she is related to you, singer Jody Watley.
My sister and I are pretty closer. As siblings do, we have our ups and downs. But were pretty close. My mom and I are somewhat close. It is weird because my sister is more like my mother than my mom is. My mom is more like a best friend sort of thing. My father is deceased. My brother lives in Japan. We are basically a small family, and kind of close knit. I guess that is it, I have distant relatives, but I do not speak to them, you know?
Based upon your immediate family, would you say that through the years that the ups and downs have only helped to strengthen each ones understanding the viewpoints, and respecting the opinions of the others?
Definitely. With me, I am the youngest one. My brother and sister are ten and twelve years older than me. And I do not think they accepted the fact that I was an adult until probably midstream of my adult career. I do not think that they really grasped that fact until stuff started being talked about in the media. I've always pretty much been a wild child, not so much wild as much as I've done what I wanted to do, regardless of the advice that was given to me. I kind of had to experience things for myself. So I do not think it was so much of a surprise that I got into the (adult film) business. And as far as strengthening, that is the final outcome. We had to understand why people are so judgmental, and that kind of brings up questions within yourself. I think that my brother, my sister, and my mom got to know me better after I stood my ground, and continued to do my whole Midori thing.
You stated earlier that some aspects of your growing up led you in the direction of, or prepared you for, a career in adult films.
That is one of the reasons. Another one is as I started investigating the business I noticed that there were not a lot of positive, ethnic type, of images. You have the playboy blond, who is sexy and every man's dream, and as an African American woman I was like 'ok, where is the sex symbol that looks like me?' And there were very few, if not any. That made me a little head strong, and I tried to figure out why. And the further I looked into it I thought 'I want to change this, because this isn't right.
Was that back in 1996?
Well, the first movie I did was back in 1995. It took me a year to think it out, and realize that this was something that I really wanted to do, and knowing that I couldn't take it back, and what affect it was going to have on my child and my family and stuff like that. I kind of worked it out, it took a while, but I worked it out. So here I sit, years later.
What was it about the industry that made you decide that was a career path you wanted to take. And from there, how did you go about contacting someone in the industry to show your interest?
Well, I knew a friend of mine who was in the music business. And he started working for one of the video companies. And the more he was telling me what he was up to, the more I started asking questions. This went on for a while. And basically he said 'why don't you just do a movie and get it out of your system, because you keep asking me about it, and I know that you are curious. I was like no, no, no. And at that time I was dancing, dancing in strip clubs. I kept hearing about features, and things like this. I realized that to make the good money, and to not keep having to hussle for table dances you would have to become a feature. Basically a feature is a magazine, or a centerfold, a covergirl, a porn star, or a huge busted woman. And also like I said, the whole race thing, plus I was working on the music thing, and I wanted to get out of my sister's shadow. So I conjured this whole plan up in my head, that if I got into the adult business I could make some good money, reinvest that into my music career, and then get some publicity. Basically that is what happened.
Earlier you said that a key factor in your getting involved in the industry was to fill a void of minorities.
Looking back, do you feel you accomplished that, by breaking open new territory?
Yeah. It is amazing, and I am honored with this award that I am about to say. AVN (Adult Video News) awarded me as Best Supporting Actress. In the seventeen-year history, I was the first African American woman to win an AVN Award. And I've been breaking ground like that in this new age, or new times, I am opening doors that I feel should have been opened a long time ago. So yeah, I have. I guess I am more driven than some of the girls, that I have come across in the business. I was upset because when I took a break, no one picked up the torch and went on, in my mind, with what I was trying to do. And the industry has changed from the time that I got in it, till now. It is like I did a lot of good things as far as putting out a positive image. Because this street, hip-hop element is not all black American culture is about. And in my pictures, and the roles I would take and stuff I wanted to break old stereotypes. And it seems like I did. There are a couple of other girls who are out there, that are in companies that are doing it, but not the way that I went about it. But then again I am kind of a determined person.
What are some of the misconceptions, or the stereotypes about the business as a whole? Where does the truth lie?
Well, just like any business you have people who are just concerned with the money. Than there are people who do not care about their talent, or their employees. That is real prevalent in the adult industry. And you have young girls coming in who are making fast money and they are not being responsible with the choices that they are making because they just want a fat paycheck. You know? And in a year or two they are burnt out, and they are not even twenty-five yet. I think that responsibility lies on both parties. I think it is up to the people who have been around longer to tell the truth, both the good and the bad of being involved in the industry. A lot of these young girls just don't know. They come out here (to California) from I don't know, lord knows from where, and they get caught up in the craziness. It's a serious step to take to bring a camera into your sex life. There are a lot of negative things that come with that from people who are not as open minded as the performer.
I couldn't agree more.
And a lot of these girls do not know how to handle it, or they did not realize how serious it is. When you walk down the street and someone recognizes you, you stand the chance of getting attacked, raped, or whatever such as paint being thrown at you from some protester. You just never know. People do not think that we have to think about those sorts of things. And there are other things, such as the health issues. We are tested every three weeks, both B and A, blood tests. I actually feel safer with my partners in the business, because I can backtrack. They keep records of who has been sleeping with whom. And most of the time people are not going to risk their meal ticket to have some irresponsible sex. Because sex is a career move, and to jeopardize it by doing something stupid, most times it is a thought that goes through the performers mind. But a lot of people do not think that we think like that. They think that we are just ill moraled people. In my career I have heard all types of stuff. Luckily, perhaps because I am vocal, people see different sides of me. My fans and supporters are pretty much nice to me. But I have had a couple of knuckleheads, both male and female, whom have called me all kinds of crazy names, and asked crazy questions. It has made me a stronger person, but I have known other girls that have freaked out and did crazy things to themselves because they could not handle the pressure.
In some ways that actually ties into my next question. The film Boogie Nights portrays some of those same images that you were describing. Would you say that overall, that is still an accurate portrayal of the industry?
Umm. Well, times have changed. That was in the era of the seventies going into the eighties. And overall, I think people think a little bit differently. But there are your party people, and your swingers. Than you have people that are doing their drugs or whatever. But now it is more business oriented on many different levels for the people in the adult industry. But you know, there was a lot of truth to that movie, but times have changed.
I am glad that we covered that aspect of your career, as likely most people know you as an adult film actress.
But that is just the tip of the iceberg as far as your role as an entertainer. I would like to cover some of your career before getting into adult films, as well as what you are up to today. Can you tell the audience about some of your experience in stage plays?
Yeah. Before I got into the adult business I was with the theatrical Time Company and I was in a play called Shades. There was another one that I did that did not really get off of the ground. Yeah, I was a Theatre Arts major. Being theatrical was a natural thing for me. I like performing. I know my mom still wishes that I would have gone more into mainstream acting cause she thinks that I am really talented with that. I have done all kinds of stuff. I was a hair model (for Vidal Sasson), I did some commercial modeling on small parts in TV commercials, a couple of magazines (including Elle), and print ads. But I was not tall enough to become a super model. Than I got into dancing. Since I was fourteen I was into the whole hip-hop thing, jazz, and ballet. Than I found a way to just combine everything, and become a cross over type of performer. I've been lucky where I can bounce back and forth between mainstream and adult. And it is very rare that I have gone into a bar, especially being a minority, I am blessed to do what I want to do and find acceptance among the people that have given me my job, and stuff like that.
That leads me to one of your other passions, your music. What type of music did you listen to, what type of music do you perform, and what sparked in interest in you that made you want to go out and pursue that?
I listened to the music that my sister listened to. There was disco, Donna Summer, and all types of different kinds of music. And I didn't really seriously consider music until probably until the mid-nineties. I had done some background singing for some different groups, and I think it was because of my sister, hanging out with her, meeting people and stuff, that it was a natural thing to be asked to sing backup. In the beginning I did not want to sing because that is what my sister did. But the bug got me. One particular morning I was in the shower, and I decided I want to put out some music. I kept pursuing it. But I put it on the back burner when I had my daughter. But once I got comfortable, and had some free time, that when I picked it back up again. And then once I became really deeply involved in the adult industry I decided that maybe singing R and B or pop, wouldn't be the right choice. And that is when I got into rapping, because the image and the personalities, that whole theme meshed together. There are so many rappers trying to be strippers, and talk as if they are porn stars, that I do not want to do that either. So I have gone back to singing, but I am mixing them all together. I am a high spirited person, so dance music is my ultimate favorite. And being raised on disco, I guess that would be the next natural choice of music to like. But I am pretty much open. I like oldies, Marvin Gaye, kind of bluesy stuff, rock and all kinds of stuff. But I prefer dance music, so I can perform my way.
Speaking of music, not everyone might know that in the past you had a relationship with Kid Rock. Musically speaking, was there something that he brought to the table that you were able to learn from?
Umm. No, because I have had my sister to look up to and to learn from, before him. But, I did learn the whole publicity game from him. To seize your moment when it's there, because you never know when you are going to get another one. And basically to keep that attitude, and keep your eyes and ears open because you never know who you are talking to. Just to network, and to know where the right place is, at the right time.
Also, Kid Rock fans I am sure remember Joe C. fondly. Do you have any good memories of Joe C. from the times that you performed with Kid Rock on the road?
Yeah. At the beginning, when he started becoming nationally known, Joe C. did not want to tour as he had never been out of Michigan. So I did Joe C.'s parts on tour, which was interesting. The lyrics had to be changed a little bit. Joe C. was a cool guy, a real cool guy. He basically said what was on his mind, and not because he thought he could get away with it because people would feel sorry for him, but because he really didn't give a sh*t (laughing). So he was a real tough little guy.
As you might know, I managed pro wrestling in the past. And for years Joe C. himself was a big wrestling fan.
Yeah, that is right, he was. I forgot about that. A lot of times I know he was sick, and all he could do was rest and watch television. So yeah, being as funky as he was, I am sure that wrestling would appeal to him.
You have, and you have another website, I was wondering exactly how the Internet has affected the adult film industry as a whole, as well as how it has affected you personally and professionally.
Well, for people who are interested in hearing my music, being that I do not have a major record deal right now, it is available for the people who are seeking it out. And the fact that you can communicate with people on the other side of the world at your leisure is a great thing. It has helped me out a lot. You got in touch with me. And actually, when I traveled over to Europe, it came from people contacting me from over the Internet.
The Internet has been mighty good to me.
Are there any favorite websites that you like to visit?
I do not get the chance to surf around a lot, because I am working a lot on my site, trying to pull it together, so I can go on and work on another project. I didn't realize that becoming a webmaster was going to take up my life, geez. But I do not get a chance too much. There are a couple of music sites I go onto,, and It is like a napster.
Oh, ok. Do you have any of your music on there?
I also have an MP3 site, And I also have two cd's. One is a dance music CD, and the other is a hip-hop CD.
Cool. That is great to know. Now that we have covered many aspects of your career, I have more general interest types of questions. Obviously you have a great body, and you are in tremendous shape. Is there a specific diet that you have, or a workout routine that you do?
No. I was involved in gymnastics and dance, pretty much from an early age, and muscle has memory. And I have a daughter who keeps me very busy. I was roller blading earlier this afternoon with her. Plus I have a young spirit, and I think that is what helps me out a lot. It starts with your mind first, and then it works down to the physical. Basically I'd say from dancing, and being active.
Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
Yeah, I've got one, two, three, four, four tattoos. My belly button is pierced, and of course my ears are pierced. That is about it. I may get one more tattoo. I have to find the right place for it. All of my tattoos are small, not so much inconspicuous, but they are not loud tattoos, so most people do not notice them. And I kind of want to keep it that way. But I have to find the next spot on my body. What is weird is that I am such a big baby. Everytime I get a tattoo, I always cry and say 'Oh God, I'm never going to do this again,' but it is addicting.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I have a tattoo of Rodeo Drive on my left shoulder, and oddly enough I do not like needles much at all. What types of tattoos do you have?
I've got tribal, most of my tattoos are tribal, and I am very true to my astrological sign, which is cancer (born July nineteenth), and I have the symbol. I have two of the symbols worked into my tribal art. Most people think it is a sixty-nine, but it is more a yin and yang. It is more like the energy of the sun, set in the calmness of a crescent moon.
That sounds very interesting.
Yeah. I wanted them to have a meaning, so and I kind of studied it. Yeah, and I got it inked on me.
Now, what is something that about you that most people do not know, would not think, or would expect about yourself?
That I am pretty much conservative (laughing). Even though I am open minded, and youthful, and high spirited, and all of that, I am a conservative, reserved, person. I don't like, well I love people, but I have my moments where I kind of withdraw. I guess when I am getting my creative juices going, that I do not like talking on the phone (laughing). And I get weird, I don't like being bothered. But then I come out of it, and I want to go on tour.
What is it about entertaining, being on stage, or in front of the camera, that you enjoy the most?
I can comfortably say that I was an insecure kid. I think that I grew into myself by watching peoples' reactions to me. I guess, maybe I was seeking some attention. And what is weird is that people have always told me that I was attractive, or whatever, and I never believed it. I didn't believe it until people started paying me to take pictures. I was like, gosh, well I guess I am not ugly (laughing).
No, I'd guess not (laughing).
I used to be a real big pushover. I was broken hearted probably all of the time before I became Midori. And I found my strength as a woman when I got into the adult business because I was the one who was in control of whom I was going to sleep with. Versus being manipulated, or rather than thinking with my heart rather than my head, and just feeling that emotional pain. And there is no emotion, it is all physical in the adult business. So a couple of years of not having to have any emotions, and just finding my empowerment, I do not regret my decision at all, being involved in the adult business. Because I'd rather be how I am now, than how I was before. God, Billie Holiday had nothing on what I was doing, as far as singing the blues and crying and all that stuff. Yuck (laughing).
So overall, it has been a great learning experience?
Yeah. The only thing that bothers me is that because I was a contract girl (Video Team) for three years with a really good company, I didn't know that it was such a hard road to travel as an ethnic performer in the adult business. And not only in porno, but as a stripper, a feature dancer. I didn't see it at first. I mean I did see it, because that is one of the reasons that I got into the business. But I was really lucky, because I had a good company that supported me, that gave me really good publicity with marketing tools. And now that I am not with them, I think thank God that I made a name for myself, because if I was a nobody, I'd probably not get that much work. And that is really the only problem that I have, I don't know, I can't really say that it is the business, because it is the people that are making the decisions based upon what they think their customers, or clients, or whomever, and what they think they like. And I wouldn't be where I am at if you know that was true. And I have a wide cross over fan base. So when I hear we don't book black girls, I am like 'why, why, why,' and they think some gang bangers are going to come into the club and tear the place up, and not spend money at the bar. And it is like, (laughing) what the f*ck are you talking about. It is part of people not wanting to break a comfort zone, because they do not think it is broke, so why try and fix it. And I've got this Miss Fix It complex, and I am like something needs to be done.
I think the Miss Fix It attitude, as you call it, in some instances can be a great thing. Because if one always took the status quo as the way it is always going to be, and nothing would change. So your mindset can be good, because it can spark a change.
Yeah, I know. I've changed some peoples' mindsets in various ways with the race issue, and with a woman's being a porn star. With some people getting to know me, and knowing that I am a pretty well put together person, and I am not some so called prostitute or whore, or whatever. A lot of people are like, I thought all of those girls were drug addicts, and dumb, and whores. And it is like no. Some are wives, and moms, and CEO's of their own little companies or business, whether on the web, or production, or whatever. That is the part that I do like, when I know that I have changed someone's thinking, and helped them open their eyes, and go against a stereotype, or whatever.
The ability to open peoples mind, or to alter some of rules and practices of an industry is a powerful statement in itself.
I have a few more questions for you before I let you run.
Not just based upon the business, but your life as a whole…
…who would be the person, or people, that you have learned the most from?
Umm. Gosh, there is a lot of people. Sean Michaels (the adult film star, not the wrestler Shawn Michaels), Sharon Mitchell, Nina Hartley, my ex boss over at Video Team. And my fans, my die hard fans that knew me even before I became Midori, with the little bit parts of the things I had done before, and have stuck with me, even now. You know that people are not as bad as bad as other people would like to make them out to be (laughing), and I have actually learned a lot from my kid. Yeah. And I guess following my instincts because I had a plan. I knew that when I put all of this stuff together that something was going to happen, or that I was going to make the best of it. And I've followed that little voice, and actually I've had a pretty good time the last six years of my life (laughing).
I am very glad to hear that. Based upon that, what would be some advice that you would pass on to other people. Not just advice for those looking to get into the entertainment industry, but just life in general.
Yeah. I mean basically not to take your freedom of choice for granted, and let other people who have ulterior motives make those decisions for you. Just stand up for what you believe in, and don't back down from it, because it is your life. There are people out there that want to take things away from you because they have some kind of problem, or issues, with themselves. I believe that people should mind their own business (laughing). Of course if it is harmful, or something like that, or life threatening, of course do something about it. But honestly, if it is something that is in a magazine, or if you want to date the same sex, or a different race (laughing) so what. Leave people alone (laughing).
I agree. If I can make my own analogy, a lot of people are critical of wrestling because of its violent content. Yet, violence is also pervasive in films and television.
There is always that option of turning the channel, as there are other alternatives out there.
Yeah. It is like these people who protest, that stand out there all day holding signs, don't they have something better to do. I don't understand that. I mean, feel free to say what you have to say because you are going with what you believe. But to turn it to where it becomes harmful to another person, than that is becoming a hypocrite.
Like anything, it is as much what you believe in, as much as how you present it.
There are many a people that watch porno movies, look in magazines, or whatever, but won't admit to it. And it is like, what has society done to make a person not want to say 'hey, yeah, I do that and what is the problem with it.'
MI don't get it.
Are there any appearances coming up, or anything else that you would like to plug?
Umm. Let's see here. I'll be in Chicago from the fourteenth through the twentieth of January at the Admiral Theater. I am going to be editing some more of the movie that I've produced and shot a while back, and throwing that up on my website. And in the near future I am going to be pulling all of the various Midori entities together, under one umbrella, which would be And I am trying to find the perfect streaming host so I can start doing live chats, and one on ones and stuff, but I'm still looking. So if anyone has any, you know, companies that they know of, please let me know.
And they can contact you through your websites,,, and the that you had mentioned.
Or the MP3 site, where you can download, and purchase, my music.
Excellent. I'd really like to thank you for one, agreeing to do this interview, and taking the time to do it. And secondly, for shedding a lot of light, not just on the adult industry, but on yourself as a person.
Well thank you. And I know that I can be really long winded. But I have a lot of things that I think about, and when I start talking it is almost as if I am thinking out loud, you know. I'm sorry that I kind of rattled on there (laughing).
Not at all. That is why I wanted you as a guest, to hear what you wanted to say. I just want to thank you again.
You're quite welcome.
Interview 6
August 23, 2001
Interview with Midori
"... Show Time with Midori. I raised the bar so far up for myself. It’s hard for me to settle for what everybody else is getting. (Laughing) Because I feel like I deserve more. I take a risk by being in this business, by being a mom, by being a sister, and being a wife. I’m representing this industry and your company. So, you need to treat me [well]. You know what I’m sayin’! ..." --- MIDORI
We want to thank our Talent Relations Associate Mark David for arranging our contact with Midori. Midori is the proprietor of and
We spoke to Midori on Thursday, August 23, 2001 at 1:30 AM EST.
Thanks for taking time out to talk to us.
That’s not a problem.
How did you choose your stage name?
My name came from a conversation with director/producer David Christopher on the set of my first movie, which was Pussyman Auditions #3. He said I should choose a name that describes my personality. And he said, “something like this.” He was drinking a melon liqueur. The drink was green and in Japanese midori means green. I found out that the name of the drink is Midori Liqueur. I adapted it to mean the color of money.
Of course, we didn’t know that story.
Yeah, most people think that it’s a reference to Midori Sour.
What projects do you have in the works?
I just finished 3 movies: 2 for a company called Wildlife and 1 for VideoTeam. The VideoTeam feature is with Evan Stone. He is the male performer and best actor of the year [AVN 2000 awards]. It was cool because I am the first black woman to win an AVN performance award. Actually, Jeannie Pepper was inducted into the AVN Hall of Fame. I am the first black woman to receive that honor. It was the first time a black woman and a white guy were on a box cover together.
Thank you. It’s kind of weird – even though it’s adult entertainment – to be breaking ground like that.
Are you saying that we’re in the year 2001 and it’s surprising that it hadn’t been done already?
Exactly. It should be a very liberal industry. (Pause) I’m looking at the news and they’re talking about passing an ordinance that will make it illegal for a dancer to touch her self. (We paused to listen to the news.) Hello
Yeah. That’s bizarre. You’d think this is the 1950’s.
(Laughing) Can you believe that?
That is absurd.
I was reading this article today. They had this picture of this female with heavy breast. You can’t see her head. Her boyfriend was about to face 5 years for taking lewd pictures of her. She was 17. She was underage; but, she gave her permission to do it. What came out in court was she’s old enough to have sex, but not old enough to have nude pictures taken. The people who processed the film turned him in. I thought it was really odd that she can have sex; but she can’t take nude pictures.
Since the Bush administration took over, we’ve noticed an increase in the pursuit of restrictive policies, particularly regarding the adult industry.
I know we’re easy targets. People in the adult industry don’t have power in numbers. We’ve got it in the banks. They can’t refute that.
There’s an article in the latest issue of AVN magazine about interracial scenes. It says producers are shying a way from doing interracial scenes in their productions since the Bush administration took over. Have you seen that?
Yeah. The industry is an easy target. Take the case of someone like Sean Michaels working with some brand new young looking straight out of Nebraska white girl. Try that case in this city with a jury that does not like black people. Say, “do you think this is lewd conduct?”
Oh, easy conviction!
Exactly. So, to not have to deal with that they made a guideline. It’s OK for a black woman to do interracial scenes. They play that on cable. When it’s the other way around, that’s still an issue. It’s sick. What are they afraid of? Are they really that insecure? I get that [kind of treatment] all the time in the dance market. It’s unbelievable. I still don’t get bookings, no matter how many awards I win. [I’m told] I’m a black woman and I’m going to attract a black male street clientele that’s not going to buy drinks at the bar and that’s going to cause trouble. So, let’s not deal with her and her people at all.
Oh. So, you’re stereotyped.
People are set in their ways. It does take some market research. I just had a club owner in Canada contact me to apologize for misjudging my fan base. He had booked me and then he had second thoughts. He thought I didn’t have a large fan base. He did some market research from Windsor to Detroit and he realized that I have a huge fan base. He apologized and said he wanted to book me. That made me feel really good. Typically when you get into the [adult] industry, you want to get quality box covers. You want to get some awards and you want to get some magazine covers. That brings you more money on the dance circuit. The dance circuit is really where you make your money. You get paid to show up. You can sell your merchandise. You are presented as a star because of all the things you’ve done. You make more money that way, if your smart and you have some type of talent.
We have seen your work and we think you’re beautiful.
Now that’s what I’m talking about. I don’t think it’s calculated. I just think it’s stupidity. This is my motto. I’m not white and I’m not black enough. At the conventions, the guys – who come up to me and know all the stuff that I’ve done – are middle aged white guys. I guess they’ve just got a lot of free time on their hands. (Pause)
Are you updating your web page now?
Yeah. My husband has taken over loading the graphics. I’m making a bunch of changes on my video page. I’m adding box covers and stuff.
Are you training him?
(Chuckles) Yeah. I taught myself actually.
(We talked about web page publishing. We return to the interview when we are discussing feature dancing.)
When you try to deal with this situation, you become embittered. I’ve been asked: “Why do you have a chip on your shoulder?” I don’t have a chip on my shoulder! It isn’t fair. “Why are you whining?” I’m not whining!
You want what is your due.
Yeah. I have been in many situations where I could have pissed people off. If I feel that something isn’t fair or right, then that [speaking up] is my job.
Since you are well established in the industry, you can voice an opinion about a situation that a lot of ladies are experiencing.
Right. I wanted to try something like the Denny’s lawsuit and Jeannie Pepper said that she would help me. This is serious money that we’re talking about. We’re only going out to 30% to 40% of the clubs in the United States. I mean, Déjà vu, Sreaming Rhino, and some of the other chain clubs have probably only hired Heather Hunter – if they’ve hired a black dancer.
Do you believe these clubs are open to a class action lawsuit?
If the right lawyer would take it seriously, he could treat it like a case of racism. He could take the adult part out of it and he would have a strong case. The gray area would be they have black house dancers. But a house dancer is not a feature dancer. They’re making tips. But I’m talking about being PAID! I’m talking about the fees, the marketing, the newspapers, and all of that. You know.
Have you considered creating a black adult entertainers alliance of some sort?
I would love to. I have tried to get a couple of panels together. Sharon Mitchell runs the medical thing out here in LA said that she would give me the space to hold meetings. The problem is just getting everyone together. You have so many girls who are just in it for the moment. They’re just trying to get their check and they’re not looking at it in the long run.
Originally, Mr. Marcus raised the issue of finding a good distributor. Are you concerned with finding a distributor for your productions?
Definitely. Lately I’ve taken heed to my sister’s advice to just go independent. Why mess around with the middlemen? You have to wait 3 to 6 months and sometimes a year to get your money back anyway.
So you recommend skipping the distributor and selling directly to the customer?
Yeah! That’s what the internet is good for. It’s just like the difference between an independent record deal and a major record deal. An independent will lack promotion. For a female in this business, that’s what we want to see. We want to see our faces on the covers of the magazines and the glamour boxes. The bigger companies are the ones who are putting the money into funding those kinds of projects. I can happen. Look at Sean Michaels and Jake Steed. Sean has his own distribution. SMP (Sean Michaels Productions) is his distributor. It can happen. I have to check myself all the time. When you’re dealing in this situation, these guys have been around for a long time. They all play golf together. If you piss one of them off, you basically piss all of them off.
We’ve heard that before.
Yeah. It can happen. I know that Jake Steed pissed some people off a couple of years ago. We (Jake Steed, India, and Mr. Marcus) did an interview with AVN magazine a coupe of years ago. I was on the phone because I was in Chicago and I didn’t want to miss the interview. He [Jake] said that white people should stay away from producing black movies. A lot of people on both sides were mad at Jake. Jake was able to work for the bigger companies – VCA, Vivid, and stuff like that – earlier on in his career. A lot of black guys coming into the business don’t have that opportunity now.
Did repercussions come from the interview?
He did change. But people attributed that to him. It didn’t spread out to “all the blacks are trippin’.” (Everybody Laughs)
What would happen if all the blacks decided to leave the plantation?
I have a problem with the whole hip-hop street lingo. If you put me on the cover, you see it’s a black or interracial movie. You know that by looking at my brown face. Why do they have to put CHOCALICIOUS or something like that on the box? Is that what they think we’re all about?
It almost reminds me of the movie Hollywood Shuffle. It’s like they still reflect that stereotypical attitude in the porn industry.
Yep. Some of the guys don’t see the harm in it. They say hip-hop is strong. They do it in hip-hop. What’s the big deal? But, It’s perpetuating the stereotype and we – on both sides – feed into it. I’ve done all I can do to show a different side to it. The guy who runs VideoTeam said he didn’t want me to become the Diana Ross of porn.
Why did he say that?
I don’t know. I remember that because I wanted to get away from the stuff [hip-hop stuff]. Heather and Dominique were the only ones who did the glamour stuff.
Are you referring to the higher budget productions?
Yeah, that kind of stuff with a story line and a leading actress.
I believe some of the ladies went to Europe when they wanted to do higher quality productions.
Yeah, I was there for 2 months.
Did you make any videos?
Yeah, I did 2 movies there and I recorded a dance CD. Actually, the adult company funded my movie project. And I have a video on CD-ROM.
Can you name any of the titles?
Ummm, In Bed with Midori and Big Sister. Big Sister is a take-off of the show Big Brother. I pretend to be a man for the majority of the movie and at the end I’m Midori. (Laughs) I don’t do girls and I had a strap-on. I was doin’ this girl from behind. It was funny and really cute. I wore a mustache and all.
How was your trip to Europe?
It was a beautiful experience. I was very sad when I had to come home. [Here] I’ve had to jump over road blocks and pave my own way. I didn’t have to do that over there. It’s a totally different way of thinking when it comes to racism. If there is racism over there, I didn’t feel it or see it. I was performing for thousands of people. They go all out for their erotic festivals. They rent ice hockey arenas and they do it over the course of a weekend. It was beautiful. Some of these people had never seen a black woman before. I was in Eastern Europe. I went to Poland, Finland, Latvia, and Estonia.
Had they seen your videos?
Some of my videos were just being released. They just got the licensing. Out there, It just became legal to have triple-X movies last year.
Before that, they had to be underground?
Yeah. They were poor quality and they certainly didn’t have any black women in them.
Was the money good while you were out there?
Yeah. I went shopping a lot.
Did you take any family with you?
Yeah. My husband went. He appeared in both movies with me. I didn’t get a chance to take my daughter. But, I wouldn’t have wanted her to go on that particular trip. I didn’t have any free time.
What’s your husband’s stage name?
His stage name is Silo.
According to Video Team, you’ve been in the business since 1996. What has changed between then and now?
Um, I think the number of producers and the tapes have quadrupled. It’s making it harder to be competitive. Anyone can pickup a camera and call themselves a porn producer or director. And any girl is all of a sudden a porn star. It’s taking the stardom out of it. It’s like having a Nail Shop on every corner, you know. When I came in [the adult industry], anal was becoming the popular scene. Now, girls are doing crazy stuff. These girls are not getting the box covers and the rates they should be getting for the things they’re doing. I was very lucky. When I came in, I knew Julian St. Jox. He introduced me to Sean Michaels. I did my first convention 3 months later. I met Nina Hartley. I met all of the OG’s. Sean Michaels was the one who gave me my rate. He said: “If anyone tells you otherwise, tell them I paid you that. If I can pay you that, then they can pay that and more.” It’s weird. I am always humble. But, I have established a set of principles for the way a black woman should be treated. When I first got in, guys were telling me: “Don’t get your hopes up too high because black girls don’t go too far in this business.” Everything I’ve set out to do, I’ve basically done it. My next thing is the club circuit. I was doing the interracial gonzo movies and wanted to get into features. So, I wrote my own damn script and casted it. I talked to Tom Sawyer. He used to do the Baby Got Back series. He walked me into VideoTeam. I laid the script down on Chris’s desk and he was – like – shocked. Shortly after that I was signed to a contract that lasted for the next 3 years.
What was the name of the video?
Showtime with Midori. I raised the bar so far up for myself. It’s hard for me to settle for what everybody else is getting. (Laughing) Because I feel like I deserve more. I take a risk by being in this business, by being a mom, by being a sister, and being a wife. I’m representing this industry and your company. So, you need to treat me [well]. You know what I’m sayin’!
Are you still under contract?
I quit. I left the business last year. So, I’m really selective about the projects I do. I needed a break. I quit in my 3rd year and I didn’t do anything for about a year. I’ve done about 8 or 10 [videos] in the last year and a half. Since I came back in, the morale is down. The girls are [not excited]. They’re like, I’ll be glad when this shit is over with. It’s changed.
Where do you see this attitude?
I see it in the performance. I see it in the articles I read. I see it in the magazines. [In the past] When a new girl came in and she was hot, you would hear about her. I don’t hear about anybody.
It looks like an assembly line now.
Yeah. It’s funny all the black girls are starting to look alike. All the white girls STILL look alike (Laughs).
Yeah, blonde and big boobs.
Interview 5
Interview with Studio 7 Inc.
ca. 2001
Name: Michele Watley aka Midori; Location: California
1. What's bumping in your CD player?
Tom Jones
2. How are you Midori, it is a honor to have you here, I know you have heard this question a MILLION times but can you tell us how you got into the business?
I got in after investigating the reasons for the lack of ethnic women.
3. How did your parents react, when you told them you were venturing into the world of porn?
I didn't tell them about the hard-core part, they found out but after killing off the stereotype of the biz and re-educating them , they except it much better.
4. You have a great figure, how often do you work out?
I have been dancing all my life.
5. Now tell us about your new career, you are releasing a new cd?
It's available online right now.
6. What made you decide to pursue a singing career?
I was a background singer before the xxx biz.
7. Are you going to continue to make movies?
8. You seem like a very spiritual person, do you pray a lot?
I have day to day talks with my higher power.
9. How did you hook up with Kid Rock to produce one of your tracks?
The record company did that but that is how we ended up dating.
10. Well is there anything you would like to tell our viewers, any appearances coming up soon?
I'm working on a online talk show and I will be popping up all over the place, so keep your eyes open...
Interview 4
September 15, 2000
Let's Get Intimate: Midori
Porn star Midori chats with Adam Douglas about music, hanging with Kid Rock, and "Pussy Control."
Deep Porn is a compilation in stores now. It's a novel idea: pairing porn stars with hip-hop and electronic artists. You've got DJ Muggs and Heather Hunter together, George Clinton and Shayla LaVeaux rocking the beats, and Kid Rock and Midori getting down and dirty on the same track. I recently talked with Midori about her involvement in this project and was hit with a whole lot more than I bargained for.
You've got a track with Kid Rock on Deep Porn. Are you into Kid Rock?
Kid Rock was into me. In more ways than one! [laughs] No, we dated for about four months last year. This project is actually how we met. After he did the remix he wanted me to do a photo session with him. His people called my people and I flew out to New York for an eight-page fashion layout for Alternative Press. We hit it off and I went on tour with him. Then he became a big star and turned into an asshole. [laughs] I'm blatantly honest and I'm a bitch, and I decided I didn't want to deal with him, so...
Well that question turned out to be a lot more loaded than I expected.
My mother used to say, you better watch out what you ask for.
Are the vocals in the track sampled from your movies or are they brand new?
Those were new vocals. I went into the studio and did a bunch of sexy stuff. I sang, I rapped -- because I do that as well -- and they sent off a bunch of those samples to the different producers and those people picked what they wanted and put it to their music.
You said you sing and rap, do you have your own music projects?
Yeah, right now I've got an EP available in MP3 (on and there's another compilation I was on last year, called Porn To Rock. I'm working on new material right now as well. I did some tracks with AMG, an LA-based rapper who works with DJ Quik a lot.
Is that what you're mostly into, hip-hop?
Only because it's good to dance to, but I'm actually into a lot of different styles of music. I want to try to do some rap-rock stuff like Limp Bizkit and, um, Kid Rock, that kind of stuff.
Don't worry, we won't go there again.
[Laughs] You know what it is? For a whole year I was quiet about that whole thing and I know recently he's gone on Howard Stern and told his side of the story, and no one's ever interviewed me to get my side of what happened. So when someone asks me anything even remotely close to it, I'm like, bluuuuragh [laughs]. So I'm sorry.
Don't be, it's turning out to be a great interview. Now you're also on the WIDE track. Are you as into electronic music as you are hip-hop?
I'm a big 80s kid so I like all of the earlier hip-hop music, which is very similar to what WIDE does.
Like that old-school electro stuff?
Yeah. Doing that track was really fun. I met them in New York and we were going to work on some tracks for my solo project. Right now I'm doing some stuff for the subsidiary label that put out Deep Porn.
So you'll have some stuff coming out on HardCorps Entertainment?
What music gives you goosebumps?
I like big production-type music like... are you into Prince?
Oh yeah.
Some of the live stuff that he's done, or "Pussy Control."
I don't know that one.
You don't know "Pussy Control?!"
I know more of the older stuff, like Controversy.
OK. This one came out a few years ago. I'm a dancer first, so anything that moves the body is the kind of stuff I really like. Performance-wise, it gives you a lot to do.
Would you be into doing some tracks with Prince?
God yeah. If he ever called me and invited me to Minnesota I would move my whole family there and not come back. "Hey, whatever happened to Midori?" [laughs]
How did you get your name?
Honestly, in the beginning I thought that "midori" was the name of a small, sweet fruit, like a kiwi. Then later on I found out it was the word for green in Japanese. I kept it because, well, American money is green. Hey, it works.
My friend lives in Tokyo and his girlfriend's name is Midori.
Oh, cool. I know it's misleading at first because everyone expects me to be Asian. Then they're like, OK...
It's also a drink.
The drink was named midori because of the color.
How did you get involved in the business?
Back in the mid-90s I wanted something to take me out of the shadow of my sister, and I wanted some controversy. I was already stripping so I figured if I started doing harder stuff it would make some noise. Now five years later I'm finally starting to make some noise [laughs]. Back then my whole concept was what Lil Kim's career is now. Unfortunately for me I didn't come in with like some really great producer like she did, but I wanted to make that combination of sex and music and develop this whole personality. But she stole it! [laughs]
You just needed to meet Biggie first. If you weren't in this business , what would you be doing?
Definitely performing. I was a dancer first -- I did the whole jazz/ballet/breakdancing thing -- before I ever started taking my clothes off. I would probably be in one of those big Vegas acts, or like a Josephine Baker or something. I model too, and I guess I'm one of those people who shows off in front of the camera.
You sound like you keep pretty busy.
It's weird because sometimes, when I have down time, there's nothing happening because everyone is on hiatus. But then once one thing gets going, all of a sudden my phone is ringing off the hook. I'm also a mom and a wife, so it's like I'm juggling all these different things. It's hard to keep it all straight but I haven't lost focus of what I want to do.
-- Adam Douglas hasn't lost focus either.
Interview 3
Warren Clarke
Los Angeles, CA
"Deep Porn"'s Midori on the Rock
The album's skin flick siren opens up on music, men and (almost) having Kid
Rock's baby
Take music -- funky, body-rocking beats by the likes of George Clinton,
Cypress Hill's DJ Muggs and rap/rock icon Kid Rock. Then take sex -- a
sweaty night's worth of "oohs," "aahs" and "hell, yeah, babys" by porn
goddesses such as Stacey Valentine and Heather Hunter. Slap the two together
and you've got Deep Porn, the lava-hot new compilation that pairs the vocal
performances of adult film divas with hypnotic, irresistible, DJ-fresh
If Deep Porn has a star, it's got to be mocha sexpot Midori. The triple-X
bombshell has not one (like all the other actresses involved), but two
tracks on the album, doing her thing over dope-ass grooves by WIDE and Kid
Rock. And in true "star" fashion, Midori's personal life is loaded with
drama, intrigue and unexpected twists and turns. The porn queen is sister to
none other than '80s soul singer Jody Watley (who herself stripped down and
bared all for Playboy a few issues back). And, not so long ago, Midori ended
a tumultuous, much publicized affair with Kid Rock -- one that, as she
reveals in this interview, almost resulted in a porn star/rock star love
child. The articulate, buoyant entertainer recently gave us the scoop on the
ups and downs of her high-octane, high profile life....
How did you get involved with the Deep Porn project?
There was a guy who was involved in the adult film business who coordinated
the girls with the guys who were putting it together. The day that I had my
session, I went in and sang, rapped -- I did everything but start dancing! I
ended up having a solo deal with him, but it kind of fell through -- we're
still trying to figure out how we're going to make it work. But I had a
chance to let loose and do what my first love is, which is being behind the
microphone and on a stage performing. I guess I stood out, and that's how I
ended up on two tracks and on the album cover!
[I participated in a similar project to this a couple of years ago] called
Porn to Rock -- I did a bass tune. With that one, it wasn't as up-to-date,
because some of the people used tracks that were dated. The guy who
organized it wanted anyone who had material who was involved in the adult
industry, so you had people submitting stuff that they had on their demo
from 1980. But with this one, you've got the hottest DJs, and some really
cool tracks. I'm just happy that people are starting to open up to us being
more than just sex stars. We've got people in the industry who've got
degrees and PhDs -- there are other things that we do besides just hump.
Hopefully, this will go over really well and open some doors. I'm happy to
be a part of it.
The tracks on the album are very club-friendly.
That's true. You've got rappers who are talking about 'f*ck this' and 'kill
this' -- it would be more enjoyable to the ear to hear someone go 'ooh,
aah.' I just don't get the record industry sometimes. It's been hard for me
to get a record deal -- I always hear, 'Well, people aren't gonna take you
seriously.' And I'm like, 'Well, what do they say about Lil' Kim?' What's
the difference? At least people can see that what I talk about is true!
Interview 2
Interview with Mr. Web Review
ca. 2000
Midori Interview
There are few performers who can match Midori's energy, her sexuality, her popularity. One of the first so-called dark-skinned black performers to enjoy true crossover appeal, Midori has catapulted to a level of popularity higher than even her sister, Jody Watley, a former lead singer for the popular R&B group Shalamar.
Despite an attempt to regain some U.S. popularity and improve sagging record sales with a semi-nude Playboy shoot, Jody has not returned to the top 100 charts. She is, according to her sister, enjoying success overseas. Meanwhile, Midori is back in porn after a brief, but disputed leave. She was reportedly involved with some rather popular celebrities, and in an exclusive interview with The House Of Truth, she talks about the reasons she left, her sister and her future.
What happened with your website? Will you be getting another one started?
I wanted control of my site, therefore I opted to not have one at all until I gained control of what I was paying for. is up now and will be up soon.
What's been going on with you lately? I've heard tons of rumors about personal health problems, love problems, babies, etc. Can you clear all of this up, including the true Kid Rock stories?
Last year I came to a point that I needed a break, so I took one for a year. After I broke up with Kid, I found out that I was pregnant, I was undecided as to what I wanted to do but the stress of the whole situation dictated my final decision. I terminated the fetus and the man. I got married to a wonderful man in Jan. No problems here, they have been fixed. :)
How did you feel about Jody posing in Playboy? She's made much to do over what you do, and it appeared she was turning to skin to get her name out there again.
I think it was a great decision that she made. Since I could not do Playboy due to my hardcore past I'm glad it was in the family. I was there with her in Hawaii when it was shot.
Is she handling this period in her career well, because she's not the "name" she once was.
In America she's not in the limelight, but in Asia she's all over the place. She wanted time after her divorce to give to her children and spend with her daughter before she left for school out of state. She's been writing (Destiny's Child and Faith Hill feature songs on their CD's written by Jody).
I see you've been making some movies lately. Shall we call this a comeback or simply you resuming your career?
Resuming, lol
Now that you are back, what do you plan to do in the biz? And how much longer will you stay in front of the camera?
I'm presenting "Midori Entertainment" and concentrating on my site and music.
Curious to know what made you decide to go the implant route? Was there pressure from producers, etc?
I got boobies done in 1996. After breastfeeding , I lost a whole cup size and just wanted to fill them out again. No pressure, I don't let people do that to me.
As a dark-skinned black woman, do you find trouble finding work? Is there a bias towards finding more fair girls? How does that make you feel?
The skin color issue, is more prevalent in the black race (look at video's) as far as the industry/society/world it's still slow progress, but I have noticed that when the others dip in chocolate it's usually dark. :) Most fashion models are of the darker hue and I'm glad I have taken great strides in the adult arena to showcase the beauty that darker women "do" posses. I just want the stereo-types to go away.
Thoughts on comebacks by old time big namers like Dominique Simone and Janet Jacme? You know these girls? What's your opinion of them?
I know these ladies and they are human just like the rest of us.
What would you like to tell those who love black erotica? Is there something they should know about distribution of material, where they get it, etc?
Alot of the companies feel that the stereo-typed "ghetto/booty" videos is a reflection of the black culture and this is what we want to see. And in the strip clubs they feel a black feature lures the "bad element"
How has the adult biz changed since you've been in it?
There is more people of color involved.
What couple of rumors would you like to clear up about Midori? If any?
I enjoy my black men as well as the others and I am pro-black, I just don't get into the militant attitude.
Allegedly, you got out of the biz to have Rock's kid. Did the baby come and is that a true story?
I did not have the baby.
How is your singing career going? What's the latest on that?
I'm featured on the "Deep Porn" release I have 2 songs, produced by Kid Rock and Wide;
Where can fans find you next? Got a hot film out soon?
Video Teams "West Side"
Once and for all, what's the deal with you and girls scenes? I know you've been reluctant to do them. Why? And do you do girls in real life?
I have had experiences with women but It's just not my thing. I enjoy sex with men much better.
Interview 1

Black Video Illustrated, VOL.2 # 10
(Midori on cover, poster & interview, plus photos from her movie "Showtime")
Interview - Makin' It With Midori
BLACK VIDEO ILLUSTRATED: Why don't we start off by telling the readers a a little bit about you.
MIDORI: Okay. I was born on July 19th, nineteen sixty-something. I'm under 30 but over 21. I'm five feet, seven inches tall. My measurements, now since I got my breasts enlarged are 36D-23-36. I was born in the south, in Durham, North Carolina. We moved to Chicago and I moved out to California when I was becoming a teenager. I have one sister and one brother. I'm the baby of the family.
BVI: Do they know about what you do, and if they do, how do they feel about your doing X-rated videos and layout in men's magazines?
MIDORI: My brother is a little over protective and he worries about me. Since my father passed away, he feels like he's everybody's father. He feels the need to protect me from all the big, bad people in the world. I also have this big, red Jeep and he's afraid that people are going to recognize me and they'll start stalking me and stuff. It's nice to have him care that much. He's always checking me out. He went out with one of the Lynn's. I can't remember whether it was Ginger Lynn or Amber Lynn, but he understands the circuit and how much money there is to be made. He knows it's a business. He wants me to do it the right way and that's what I'm going to do.
BVI: How did you get into the business?
MIDORI: I'm actually a preacher's kid. My grandfather had a big church on the south side of Chicago. It had to do with me being the youngest and being part of the Generation X thing. I was very open and lived in Europe for a while. I lived in England for nine months and then I went back in eighty six and then I went to dance school there and went on to France. I was actually supposed to dance in Italy but I had a boyfriend who didn't want me to go. As far as the nudity goes, I don't think it's a big deal. If everybody were secure within themselves, nude dancing, magazines and porno would just be part of life.
I was exotic dancing for four years and started seeing people who were making more money than me. I was kind of curious and wanted to give it a try. I found that there are a lack of African-American women who are being presented the way those Vivid girls are. If I was doing main-stream modeling and stuff, I wouldn't be thought of as anything but black. But in the porn industry, the girls who get the big push are ones like Heather Hunter. She could be mulatto, Puerto Rican or something. When you look at me, I'm a black woman. Some people may think I have some Indian or Caribbean or something like 50 blondes.
BVI: It's finally starting to change.
MIDORI: I love a company like Video Team who doesn't do these Black Bitches and Ho's. That kind of stuff. I wouldn't be a part of a movie like that. I want to be involved in black productions but it has to be the right one. I hope that some of these bigger companies will put some production money into the shooting of a black video. That's why I want to do my own stuff.
BVI: Had you watched any adult movies up to this point?
MIDORI: No. I don't even watch my own. It's a business to me and I have fun, but I don't have that stereotypical life- style and approach that some people might expect of a porn starlet. I get my calls, go to my shoots and come home. I don't swing, I don't hang out with the people in the business, off the set. Actually Julian St. Jox and I are very close friends and I get along with some of the directors. I'm also friends with Solveig, but other than that - T.T. Boy is also a really good friend of mine - but as a rule, I don't hang out with most people in the industry.
BVI: Were you wild sexually before you got into the business? You're pretty uninhibited and really seem to get off on sex in front of the camera.
MIDORI: I'm wild, but I'm also a monogamous person I'm with. If they want me to try something and I don't like it, I won't do it. I tend to stay in relationships too. After my daughter's father and I split up, I went two years without being with a guy. I just got a boyfriend last month.
BVI: What made you decide to have your breasts enlarged?
MIDORI: Yeah, it was with Jake steed in Pussyman Auditions 3 for Snatch Productions. He has a big cock and it was great but I want to set the record straight about big dicks. I'm actually more the type of person who is more concerned with the chemistry of the person and how they work it.
BVI: You seem to like anal sex.
MIDORI: Yeah, I enjoy it. I got into it in my personal life with this guy who was trying to get me to do it for a couple of years. When I finally tried it, I liked it. Anal sex seems to be the norm now. Regular sex seems to be just the starting point and almost every scene seems to be an anal.
BVI: Are you bisexual?
MIDORI:(Disgusted noise) No! I suppose that surprises a lot of people because so many of the girls in the business are. I had a couple of affairs in my lifetime and I have to say there have been a couple of times when I complimented a woman. That doesn't mean I want to have sex with her. I don't mind working with another woman in a scene as long as I don't have to touch her.
BVI: You don't go down on a woman in a movie?
MIDORI: Oh, no!
BVI: What about letting a woman go down on you?
MIDORI: That happened one time with Felecia.
BVI: Not a bad choice.
MIDORI: Not at all. That's what everyone was saying,"At least you got to do it with the best."
BVI: What about working with a strap-on cock?
MIDORI: That was interesting. I did that in Peeping Tom #2 with Mercedes. It was more comical than anything. I didn't feel connected to it at all.
BVI: Here's something we're starting to see in the porn movies. What about you doing a guy in the butt with a strap on?
MIDORI: I don't know if I could do that! It sounds really interesting. (Pause) That would really be interesting.
BVI: Tom Byron, Joey Silvera a couple of other guys have gotten in the from a girl with a strap-on.
MIDORI: In a European version, maybe.
BVI: No, for a movie released over here. You know, after 1,000 movies, it must seem interesting. It's not a guy and not something you do everyday.
MIDORI: I like regular kind of sex, with one man the best. I think my best sex scene so far was with T.T.Boy for Rex Borsky. I like his energy and how he takes control sexually. We work well together. I can't remember the title. Rex shoots a whole bunch of scenes and they end up in different movies.But look for T.T. and me in a scene together on the label. Rex is one of the best sex shooters in the business.
BVI: Let's talk about your new movie. You're directing for the first time. That's a big step for someone who hasn't done that many movies.
MIDORI: Yeah, but that's where I'm headed. It's a story similar to Josephine Baker. I play sort of Vegas type performer. When she goes to this club her boyfriend (Julian St. Jox), has an affair with Papillon in the movie and meanwhile, her manager is in love with her (Jake Steed). And they have an affair. They fall in love and I do one last show at a local club and there's directors and stuff there. They're looking to offer me some big jobs and that's all I'll tell you at this point. I do an original song that I wrote and I also do a strip scene in the movie.
BVI: I heard you're a great singer.
MIDORI: I'm working on my recording career right now. I just did some stuff and Tommy Boy records is interested. I hope I can sign with them.
BVI: When you're having sex on camera, are you faking it, or is it real?
MIDORI: That's a big thing with me because I insist on coming in every scene. That's part of it. I like cumming vaginally, with a guy inside of me. That's pretty typical, but that's the way I am.
BVI: A lot of guys like old fashioned girls.
MIDORI: I'm pretty normal. I catch myself from time to time because I can get caught up in the whole image thing about the business and the fast and easy money.
BVI: I wouldn't say having sex on tape for money is easy money.
MIDORI: Now, it's not. But after you get a big check that comes so fast, I think to go out just buy this and that. Then I settle down and remember the bills I have and the goals I have. In the first month in the business, I bought a Jeep and a computer and some other things to help me get centered. The fan club started with that computer, so that helps too.
BVI: What are you short and long term goals?
MIDORI: As soon as possible, I would like to form a production company and start producing and directing movies. In the long term, I would like to become a performer with a a whole exotic review. Go to Paris, Vegas, all over the world. I want to sing, dance and be everything I've always wanted to be in two hours, set to music.
BVI: If somebody were to sum you up with one sentence, what would they say?
MIDORI: She's a multi-talented, woman of the 90's with realistic visions.
BVI: That's great. Is there anything else you would like to add for the fans.
MIDORI: Tell them they can write to me and join my fan club by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Midori, 7095 Hollywood Blvd., #823, Hollywood, CA 90028 in the business.